Kansas Machine Services, LLC

At Kansas Machine Services, LLC, we know that machine downtime can be a costly obstacle for any business, from production to logistics. KMS works on all CNC machines small to large.  We offer repairs, inspections, alignments, and preventative maintenance services. We are a precision-based company that strives to keep your machines running as good or better, than the day they were established in your business. We will always provide you a company that you can count on for all of your repair and service needs.

"We do agreements, not contracts. Service is our #1 priority."

Now Serving all of Kansas!!


* Haas UMC Test Cutting

General Troubleshooting and Repair Services

Preventative Maintenance Services

Geometry Inspections and Alignments


Competitive Hourly Rate

Estimates Available

Licensed & Insured

Flexible Hours


Rotary Laser Alignments

Lathe Alignments

Counterbalance Recharging

Diagnostics Requested:

MagneTek Drives

Renishaw Ballbar Testing

Fanuc Control Systems

Haas UMC-750 Door Upgrade

Call, Text, or Email Today!!

(316) 768-7738


IG: @ks_machine_services

Facebook: Kansas Machine Services, LLC